On-demand webinar

Data quality and observability: most embarrassing "data" moments

In this on-demand webinar, Eric Gerstner, Data Quality Principal at Collibra, runs through tips and tricks for dealing with data quality. In a storytelling format, Eric will check his ego at the door and share real-world examples of mistakes made and lessons learned around:

  • Bad organization decisions due to incomplete or bad data

  • Mountain of rules that do not scale and are impossible to manage

  • Failure to resolve data quality problems, even when they are identified

Poor data quality is holding back data and analytics leaders from delivering on the promise of organization value through their D&A investments. Moving forward with a continuous data quality improvement program is not a question of why — but how. Avoid pitfalls and mistakes on your data quality journey with insight and takeaways from Eric's years of experience.



In this on-demand webinar, Eric Gerstner, Data Quality Principal at Collibra, runs through tips and tricks for dealing with data quality. Published September 2022.