April 16, 2019 – New York

Modern slavery statement

Modern slavery and human trafficking are crimes and violations of fundamental human rights. Collibra is committed to acting ethically and with integrity in all our business dealings and relationships and to implementing policies intended to ensure such activities are not taking place anywhere in our business.

Organisation's Business and Structure

Collibra is an enterprise data governance software platform provider. Our customers are typically medium to large-scale enterprises with diverse data governance needs. Collibra’s software products help organizations find, understand and trust their data.

Collibra has offices in the United States, Belgium, Poland and London, with a material sales presence across Europe and North America. Collibra is actively expanding globally.

As an emerging company, Collibra does not divide its engineering, product development, administrative or executive teams by business divisions. Our sales operations are, however, divided by geographic region.

Our Supply Chains

Our supply chains include, but are not limited to, infrastructure providers and back office operational support services.

Our Policies on and Due Diligence Processes for Slavery and Human Trafficking

Collibra has a zero-tolerance policy for slavery and human trafficking occurring within its own business and its supply chain. As an employer of predominantly professionally qualified and highly skilled individuals, and as a developer of software, the risk of these activities occurring within our business or supply chain is low. Nevertheless, Collibra has taken steps to identify and assess the risks in relation to slavery and human trafficking within our business and supply chain in line with our industry sector. We have adopted internal policies and procedures to ensure employee awareness of and compliance with our zero-tolerance position on modern slavery and human trafficking. These include steps employees can take to prevent Collibra from inadvertently engaging in supplier relationships in conflict with such position without facing employment-related repercussions. Further, as part of our contracting process, where appropriate, we expect our suppliers to comply with all applicable laws, including those combatting modern slavery and human trafficking, such as the Modern Slavery Act 2015 (UK).

Next Steps

We will continue to review and develop our supply chain due diligence and risk assessment across our offices to ensure a robust and consistent approach to slavery and human trafficking risks. To the extent such risks or actual violations are identified, we will implement all appropriate actions to eliminate them, including disengaging with suppliers if necessary.